Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009

So with a new year always comes resolutions. Why do we even torture ourselves with these resolutions anyway? I understand that you need to have a goal or a plan because without those I get stuck in a rut, but just using the word "resolution" I automatically think that it is something I am going to fail at. So no New Years Resolution this year. Just simply goals. I usually accomplish my goals because I am so stubborn. So here is a small list of goals that I have for 2009:
1. Be Happy With My Body-now this does include losing weight and working out; however, I am not working towards any specific number like I have in the past. I just want to be happy with myself when I look in the mirror. I have gotten in a rut lately and I want to feel good about myself again. I want to look at myself and see the girl on the outside that I feel is on the inside. I want my husband to be proud that I am his wife (not that he isn't at the moment). I am doing this for me and I can't wait until that new gym opens up in a few weeks because that is when I am really going to get started. For now I will walk and eat healthy. I start today! Wish me luck!
2. Enjoy The Weekends-I know this seems simple and you may be asking why this is even on my list, but I always pack our weekends full of so much to do that I just simply want to enjoy our time off together as a family as much as possible. I want to take time to do the simple things and enjoy them.
3. I want to get all of my albums organized and a blurb written on each picture-This is something I started when the twins were born and I have failed miserably. I am about a year behind and I want to get this project organized, started, and finished before all of those cute summer pictures start rolling in.
4. Stop Complaining-I know that most people complain but it was brought to my attention (by my wonderful husband) that I tend to complain about A LOT. That is one reason for me picking the word CONTENT for my word of 2009. I want to enjoy life and be content with what is thrown my way. God truly has given me a wonderful life and I have much to be thankful for so I want to stop being so negative and start 2009 being the most positive person I can be.

What are your goals or resolutions for this year? Be sure to drop me a comment and let me know. I would love to have a support group of individuals who are striving to make themselves better for 2009.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008, Hello Blogging!

So I am totally new to this world of blogging and I hope that I do not fail miserably at it. I really want to try to post daily; however, I know life gets in the way. Before starting my own blog I read others that inspired me to write, pick a word for the year, take a picture everyday and blog about it, and lots of shabby homemade gifts to do! I hope that my blog can become a place of solace and peace for my thoughts, however wild and crazy they may be. As a mother of twins I know that sometimes the ritual and structure of life takes a lot of fun out of the everyday things. I am hoping to become more aware of life, the little moments, and the enjoyment of being called to be a mother. As we leave 2008 behind I am also leaving behind a lot of bitterness towards things that I cannot change and that I could not control. I am ready to be content with life; therefore, my word for the year 2009 is CONTENT. Synonyms for the word content include: fulfilled gratified happy satisfied. Oh how I pray that I can be all of those things so that I may enjoy life more and not "sweat the small stuff" so much. Goodbye 2008, Hello Blogging!